Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Paintings for babies!

As promised to my daughter Rachelle I have three paintings in the making for baby Oliver! They are about 90% done. I grabbed some little wooden finger toys from Olivers nursery and that is where my inspiration came from. I knew by looking at them that they would make cute paintings. I simplified them (the wooden toys) and put them in the jungle and they came out swaweet! They are approx. 24 x 24" and completely done in oil, actually painted over old paintings! There I go again... recycling. Do you do all you can to recycle? I bet you do. If there is anything the past couple of years have taught us, it is to rethink what we spend our money on. I also stay home and cook more, spend more quality time with the family, it's all good. Ok, now for the finishing touches. Clean up the eyes and fix any odd lines that don't look good to me, and paint the sides. Then done!!! On to the next project.

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