Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year and New Beginnings!

We had a wonderful holiday season. Love it when the kids come home but love it when they leave and go back to college. I don't know is it the extra laundry, food and mess that seems to appear when they come home? Is there something wrong with me? I think not, I am an empty nester loving her home and peace and quiet I need to focus on my creativity. I am continuing to stay busy between painting and making my jewelry. The jewelry seems to be moving quite well. I have surprised myself with the whole jewelry thing, I really really enjoying creating it. Every piece has such a unique antique component  that I get quite attached, some have history we'll never know about. Anyhoot, it's the beginning of a new year and we'll try to make good adjustments, don't want to make to much of a commitment because I know I will break it. I am human you know!! Here is a wonderful picture of my son hugging his great auntie Agnes ( 94) she simply amazes me. We should be so lucky to live that long without too many illness' and ailments. Love you auntie :)

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